Day-to-day activities of the ITF

A network of more than 130 ITF inspectors in ports around the world supervises the compliance with ITF-acceptable agreements. ITF inspectors are full-time union staff members working full- or part-time for the ITF. While inspecting flag of convenience ships, they check wage payment as well as other social and working conditions and - if necessary –will initiate actions to enforce ITF policies. The number of inspectors has doubled in the past few years, thus making inspectors available in ports located in all regions of the world.

Signing jointly responsible for the flag of convenience campaign are the seafarers’ and ports’ sections as well as the Fair Practices Committee (FPC) established by both sections in 1952. Representatives of both sections meet in the FPC to monitor routine campaign activities and their effectiveness. The fact that dockers’ unions participate directly by means of action or by cooperating with seafarers’ unions is as decisive as ever for the campaign’s success.

During each Congress, the FPC is elected by a joint conference of the seafarers’ and ports’ sections. As a rule, it meets once a year (usually in May/June). Between meetings of the Fair Practices Committee, urgent matters can be referred to its Steering Committee, which is responsible for questions concerning the approval of collective agreements as well as infringements of ITF-affiliated maritime unions against ITF policy regulations, supervision and development of strategies and direction for the flag of convenience campaign, and reviewing new initiatives and courses designed to expand and develop the campaign. In addition, the FPC Steering Committee is responsible for supervising the work of ITF inspectors and developing recommendations to relevant ITF bodies in relation to practical implementation of flag of convenience policies and other matters which might influence the campaign’s effectiveness.

Background to the ITF flag of convenience campagin
Achievements of the ITF flag of convenience campaign