Flag of convenience campaign
Providing stability and legal certainty for shipowners

Welcome to the ITF’s and ver.di’s service area for shipowners not operating their ships in the German first register. In a globalized economy, there are a number of reasons why it would seem attractive to separate the connection between the shipowner’s country of domicile and the country providing the ship’s flag.

In such cases, the ITF and ver.di are your service partners in Germany. Our collective agreement and service offers guarantee that seafarers working on your ships receive fairer payment and treatment, better training to work under standardized safety conditions and are neither discriminated against or exploited. For this reason, you already are or will be the ITF’s and ver.di’s agreement partner. You are aware of the fact that the profitability of your ships mainly depends on their cargo being handled punctually while in port. Partnership with the ITF and ver.di guarantee future stability and legal certainty.