Strength in unityIn this issue:Trade unions are good for you - Don’t miss out on abandonment rights - Your pullout guide to getting help[Download als PDF]
Abandonment: a blight on the industryThe abandonment of seafarers plagues the maritime industry. There are still shipowners out there who are ignoring their responsibilities and leaving seafarers adrift in impossible circumstances. As a seafarer, if you are abandoned, what should you do? What are your rights?[Download als PDF]
Nations need maritime skillsIn this issue: The secretive world of flags of convenience - New safeguards against abandonment - Your pullout guide to getting help[Download als PDF]
Myanmar's new Seafarers Union off to flying startIFOMS is one of the latestunions to join the ITFfamily and is already achieving great things forits members. Lee Cash,ITF maritime uniondevelopment programme co-ordinator, describes how it all began[Download als PDF]
Stories from the frontlineDockers help win justice for Filipino crew The fantastic solidarity of local dockers helped to prove that modern slavery has no place in the Ivory Coast port of Abidjan.[Download als PDF]
Maritime Labour Convention: so far so good?The Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC) finally came into force in August 2013. Is it proving to be a useful tool, asks maritime perations' Katie Higginbottom[Download als PDF]
Robbed of their WagesFilipinos were robbed of wages at Manila airport. ITF takes action over unscrupulous crewing agencies.[Download als PDF]
KÖNNT IHR UNS HÖREN?Fast eine Million Menschen fordern Ende der Piraterie. DieITF- Kampagne zur Beendigung der Piraterie-Plage ist durch eine Petition mit mehr als 930.000 Unterschriften gestärkt worden, die am Tag des Seefahrers 2010 der UNO überreicht wurde.[Download als PDF]
Seafarers get a new bill of rightsThe Maritime Labour Convention 2006 provides real and enforceable rights for seafarers. This is your simple six-page guide to what it means for you.[Download als PDF]
What does the shipping crisis mean for seafarers?The downturn in the international economy began to hit the shipping industry during 2008. A dramatic fall in dry bulk charter
rates hit some of the largest shipping charterers and owners.[Download als PDF]