If you’re working on a flag of convenience ship, you must be aware of the fact that seafarers are not entirely on their own, whether in port or sailing the high seas. ITF unions are fighting globally for fixed, acceptable minimum wages and social standards on these ships. If a union for seafarers exists in your home country – such as the union ver.di in Germany – you should be member of it. If no union exists or membership is not possible for you, the ITF and ver.di will take care of you nonetheless.
This solidarity is unique insofar as a different group of employees will help you to push through an ITF agreement in case of conflict. Since you are not always capable of asserting your rights on your own – be it due to the special situation on board or in your home country – you can depend on the dockers’ cooperation. Their action often helps in pushing through your rights – without your having to fear personal disadvantages.
Find many more informations and ressources here: www.itfseafarers.org